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NIACUS Umpire Training in 2023
Umpire Training Courses 2023
Dates have been announced for Stage 1 and Stage 2 Umpire Training courses to be held during January 2023
Stage 1 - 10th & 12th January or 17th & 19th January
These courses will be held via ZOOM
Stage 2 - Sunday 29th to be held at Pavillion, Stormont
Please contact Alan Neill at if interested in any of the above.
Scorers Courses announced:
Course A Beginners
8/15/22/29 November 7-8pm
Course B Beginners
9/16/23/30 November 7-8pm
Course C Level 1 Club Scorer
8/15/22/29 November 8.30-10pm
Course D Level 1 Club Scorer
9/16/23/30 November 8.30-10pm
Courses are limited to 10 participants and further courses will be run in the new year.
Beginner courses are for those with little or no experience. Level 1 is the Club Scorer course for those with some experience and covers DLS etc. Each course runs for four weeks. The Beginner sessions are each one hour long and the Level 1 sessions are 90 minutes.
Please contact if you wish to participate in any of the above.
Dates have been announced for Stage 1 and Stage 2 Umpire Training courses to be held during January 2023
Stage 1 - 10th & 12th January or 17th & 19th January
These courses will be held via ZOOM
Stage 2 - Sunday 29th to be held at Pavillion, Stormont
Please contact Alan Neill at if interested in any of the above.
Scorers Courses announced:
Course A Beginners
8/15/22/29 November 7-8pm
Course B Beginners
9/16/23/30 November 7-8pm
Course C Level 1 Club Scorer
8/15/22/29 November 8.30-10pm
Course D Level 1 Club Scorer
9/16/23/30 November 8.30-10pm
Courses are limited to 10 participants and further courses will be run in the new year.
Beginner courses are for those with little or no experience. Level 1 is the Club Scorer course for those with some experience and covers DLS etc. Each course runs for four weeks. The Beginner sessions are each one hour long and the Level 1 sessions are 90 minutes.
Please contact if you wish to participate in any of the above.