Northern Ireland Association of Cricket Umpires and Scorers

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Umpire Check List

'Achieve your potential'

  1. 1. Appointments received - reply promptly.

  2. 2. Regulations - READ REACT RESPOND - any queries call a colleague

  3. 3. Make your own notes on match regulations and note down some questions or areas that need to be clarified. - discuss with colleague when you meet pre-match.

  4. 4. Check you are bringing the correct kit - coloured clothing, white clothing, white hat, coloured hat. Is a shirt, tie and blazer needed? - if in doubt bring them.

  5. 5. Bring your Laws of Cricket, Tom Smith and NCU book.

  6. 6. Be pro-active. Contact umpire mentor anytime - discuss any problems, regulation queries and ask for any help in fieldcraft you may feel you need.

  7. Be on time or be early for all matches.
    • > agree dress code for travel to match
    • > be on time
    • > be positive, enthusiastic and helpful at all times.

  8. 7. Self -assessments - be honest about yourself, be wary of criticising others in public.

  9. 8. Ask yourself the hard questions - what do your colleagues think of you? Are you seen by others as loyal, supportive, confident, a team player?

  10. 9. When a colleague stands with you is he thinking - I feel safe standing with ……..

  11. 10. The Umpire who does not make a mistake does not exist (Tom Smith). When you make a mistake - acknowledge it, learn from it and move on.

  12. 11.Share your experiences and any good practice you noticed with your colleagues when you get together at meetings - write a report, do a short presentation on things you learned, take part in a Q&A session.

  13. 12. Loyalty towards a colleague must be absolute (Page 7 Tom Smith)

  14. 13.Respect for the Umpire is one of the requirements of the Spirit of Cricket. Nevertheless an Umpire has largely to earn that position of respect. The players will not award it to an Umpire who has not shown himself worthy of it. (Tom Smith page 6)
Enjoy the experience and good luck! M Hawthorne April 2015